Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Details of Laser Beam - December 2009

In this post, I will present some details of the optical layout.

1 - This is the side optical table. In the right corner in the front the laser beam transport line can be seen. Through this vacuum line the 800-nm fundamental laser beam from the Ti:S amplifier is transported. Using vacuum reduces instabilities in the laser beam caused by turbulence of air flow.

2 - We choose to transport the stretched amplified laser pulse directly output of the regenerative amplifier. At the output of the laser system a telescope is positioned to shape the laser beam to a smaller size. On this picture you see the compressor that is positioned on the side table.

3 - After the compressor the laser beam passes through the second and third harmonic unit. The third harmonic is used either to generate the electron pulse at the cathode surface of the RF cavity or excite the sample optically. The left over fundamental beam will be used to probe the sample. If necessary this fundamental wavelength can be converted into other wavelengths by using for instance white light generation.

4 - Around the Sample Chamber a frame is mounted to hold the opto-mechanical components. The laser beams (pump and probe) have to be deflected upwards to reach the windows of the vacuum system.

5 - Detail of the UV in coupling. One can see the prism's in the cross.

6 - Detail of the probe laser beam transport line to the window of the Sample Chamber.

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