Thursday, September 17, 2009

First accelerated electrons - 3th of September 2009

During the first week of September we continued the RF processing of the RF cavity.

The second day we also turned on the main solenoid magnet around the RF cavity. As a result we had to repeat the training session of the day before, because the magnet influences all the processes inside the cavity. For instance, field emitted electrons follow different paths when the magnet is turned on.

On the 2nd of September we soon reached 3.0-MW input power and 2.4-MeV electron energy. We continued the RF processing by replacing the 10-dB attenuator at the input of the preamplifier to 6 dB. Now we sometimes observe breakdown events with a measurable electron signal on the beam dump at the exit of the cavity and at the same time observe a light pulse on the photodiode that looks inside the RF cavity. Surprisingly, not all breakdown events are accompanied by electrons and light. Possibly, these events are taking place outside the RF cavity. By the end of this day, we have reached 3.6-MW input power and 2.9-MeV electron energy operating at 50 Hz.

The 3th of September was a very exciting day, because we observed for the first time dark current coming out the RF cavity. The power level at that moment was 3.7-MW input power and 3.0-MeV electron energy. We were able to optimize the setting of the main solenoid magnet around the cavity by maximizing the dark current on the beam dump. We also observed single-side electron multipacting at the photocathode in the RF gun (see Han et al. in Phys. Rev. ST AB 11, 013501 (2008)). For instance, we have measured at the setting of 3.9-MW input power and 3.0-MeV electron energy a peak dark current of 52 nA and a total charge of 0.11 nC per pulse.

Below you can find two oscilloscope images displaying with the following signals: Light Blue - Modulator current; Purple - Forward RF Pulse; Green - Backward RF pulse; Dark Blue - Beam dump signal.

The first observation of dark current out of the RF cavity measured at the beam dump at the exit.

Dark current at a higher setting of the acceleration field.

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