Friday, June 22, 2007

Test installation of vacuumsystem - 4th of June 2007

We have made the first test assembly of the vacuumsystem of the electron accelerator.

The cavity consists of two vacuum sections:

  1. inner part, which are the cells of the cavity that will be pumped to a pressure below 10-9 mbar by a Varian iongetter pump of type VacIon 150.
  2. outer part, which is the space between the copper cavity and the stainless steel container that will be poump to a pressure of about 10-6 mbar by a Varian iongetter pomp of type VacIon 20.

Outer section with RGA unit (MKS e-vision) attached.

Inner section. Directly under RF input coupler the VacIon 150 is placed on the floor. The double cross has two windows to send the UV beam to the cathode surface of the cavity.

Outer section. Via the double cross a pump by-pass is realized to the hollow inner conduction of the coaxial RF line.

Below the table the VacIon 150 is placed supported by springs instead of using a section with belows.

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