Friday, February 23, 2007

Assembly of Laser Transport System - 23th of Februari 2007

We have mounted the Laser Transport System to transport the high-power (2.5 W), femtosecond laser pulses (50 fs) from the laser laboratory to the accelerator laboratory. The laser beam is transported through vacuum pipes (10-4 mbar) to remove all the influences of air (turbulances and dispersion).

The Laser Transport System consists of 4 boxes containing turning mirrors. Between the boxes vacuum tubes are mounted to transport the beam. The entrance and exit tubes are closed by vacuum windows (anti-reflection coated). Two complete laser beam lines can be hosted in the Laser Transport System. For the time being only one line will be used to transport the high-power fundamental beam (800 nm) from the femtosecond laser system.

Entrance of the Laser Transport System on the laser source optical table.

The first box (#1) is placed above the optical table and reflects the laser beams through the wall to the accelerator laboratory.

The three boxes in the accelerator room. The right most box is #2. Between box #3 and #4 the laser beam passes high above the walking area.

Layout of the mirrors in box #3. The laser beam is comming from the right. On the left the ion getter pump is located.

This is box #4.

Layout of the mirrors in box #4. The laser beam is coming from the right and reflected down.

The vacuum pipes from box #4 down to the laser table.

The exit of the Laser Transport System on the accelerator optical table.

Test assembly of Cavity Container with RF input coupler - Half Februari 2007

Last week we tested the assembly of the stainless steel container for the cavity together with the RF input coupler. Now, we can finish soon the RF waveguide section to prepare the RF test phase.

Secondly, we can also start the assembly of the vacuum components.

(a) Stainless Steel container with flange on one side and RF input coupler (copper) on the other side. The flange will host cooling water feedthroughs and vacuum pump connector.

(b) The RF waveguide (black) is connected to the RF input coupler. Between a RF window is placed to isolate the vacuum side (10-9 mbar) from the pressure side (2 bar SF6).

(c) This is the side on with the electron beam line will be constructed.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Repair of azimuthal orientation - 7th of Februari

During the assembly of the cavity on 20th of September 2006 in Eindhoven we discovered that there was an azimuthal mismatch between the cavity orientation and the flange of the stainless steel vacuum container (see foto 1 and 2).

The solution was to replace the fitting pin with a new one having an offset. Last week we installed this new pin. The last photo shows that the replacement was successful. Now both the cooling channel and all the bolts fit correctly.

1- Assembly in Eindhoven in September 2006
2- The mismatch between the cavity and SS container.

3- The new fitting pin.
4- Correct assembly.